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Micro Sprinkler Malaysia

Micro Sprinkler Malaysia

Micro sprinklers distribute fine water droplets using a rotating head. The technique allows for extended watering periods with minimal water runoff. Micro sprinklers are widely used in commercial applications to enhance production of quality cash crops.
Modern micro sprinklers have wide diameters to suit customer requirements. They ensure maximum watering needs by spraying water only in the required areas. No water is wastage in non-productive areas such as paths or regions between rows. Development in irrigation technologies has led to the emergence of reliable and more precise micro-sprinklers. Application of micro sprinklers are often use in irrigation of tree plantations with large or mid-size root volumes. Micro sprinklers also can be customised for irrigating tree plantations and orchards where ground is shaded by foliage, leaving dry strip between the rows, which means they are designed for irrigating proximity to trees. In some cases, micro sprinkler are mounted inverted to keep the ground clear and prevent damage to the sprinkler by harvesters and machinery. There is also certain type of micro sprinkler, designed to irrigate crops with harsh water containing large amounts of sand thus causing excessive wear of standard rotating swivel.
Micro sprinklers are used for fertigation purposes, especially in greenhouses and open fields. Microclimate control is critical for the flourishing of orchards and vineyards. Micro sprinklers provide the necessary cooling for such plants during hot weather. Micro sprinklers also provide cooling solutions for animals and warehouses. The technique is also applied in anti-frost and foliage irrigation.
Microprocessors are also used for pest control in greenhouse farming. Watering experts highly recommend micro sprinklers for providing lush landscapes through watering of lawns, fields, and gardens.
Pre-assembled micro sprinkler systems consist of multiple sprinkler heads linked by a piping network. Micro sprinklers are most appropriate for closely cropped plants and vegetables.
Micro sprinklers are available in a wide range of configurations in order to ensure flexibility. They operate at low-pressure, thus no need for sophisticated pumps. Minimal labor is needed for installation and running micro sprinklers.
Pressure compensating micro sprinklers enhance uniform watering. A pressure regulator controls water pressure for maximum efficiency. Manufacturers specify the relevant pressure ranges to ensure individual sprinklers are operating efficiently. The design and sizing micro sprinkler systems is based on exact needs of the landscape or vineyard and the water supply.
Proper installation and maintenance of micro sprinklers significantly increase economic gains for growers. Micro sprinklers are a water conserving technique, promoting decreased water and fertilizer use compared to traditional watering methods. They offer little if any wastage of water during watering.
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