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Oil Palm Fertilizers Malaysia

Oil Palm Fertilizers

Oil palm is one of the significant drivers of Malaysia’s agriculture industry. For both small scale and large scale oil palm growers, providing the right amount of nutrients from the right fertilizers makes all the difference in your yield.

The importance of fertilizers for oil palm is crucial to its health and productivity. The primary argument is that healthy oil palms will lead to enhanced quality and quantity of FFB (fresh fruit bunch) yield, which is the main commodity of most palm plantations.

The total growing area of oil palm is increasing year and year, thus creating a demand for oil palm fertilizers. However, due to sustainability issue and the need to protect the environment, plantation companies are looking for ways to increase the yield of their existing trees.

It’s worth noting that Malaysia and Indonesia produce as much as 85% of global oil palm output. A wide range of oil palm fertilizer options is available in the market to provide the much-needed nutrients.

Improve your yields with oil palm fertilizers

One of the best ways to minimize production costs is to achieve maximum yield of the oil palm trees that are already planted. Using the right fertilizers significantly boosts FFB production.

Oil palm fertilizers having been critical in improving the attractiveness of the oil palm industry, not only in Malaysia but globally.

Ensures proper fertilizer management

It’s worth noting that (Oil) palm tree plantations are very vulnerable to nutrient deficient.

In this regards, Wastech Multigreen ensures that our oil palm fertilizers have the right micronutrient for the health of the trees. Growers need to understand all the fundamental factors in the fertilizer management system. They should apply oil palm fertilizers correctly following the recommended practices.

At Wastech Multigreen, it is our ultimate goal that our fertilizers help the oil palm optimally absorbs the nutrients. Through maximum nutrient utilization, growers can achieve healthy grown oil palm. Ultimately, the proper use of oil palm fertilizers results in enhanced yields and quality FFB Production.

Using Environmentally friendly fertilizers

With increased global awareness regarding the environmental conversation, there is a need for eco-friendly farming practices. The usage of fertilizers ultimately has an impact on the environment especially the effects it has on ground water around it.

At Wastech Multigreen, we educate our clients on the best practices that will not only improve their plantation’s plant health but at the same time help to reduce cost and take care of the environment.

Using fertilizers with Nutrient Release Longevity timing and proper methods of application helps to get more yield and quality oil palm fruits (FFB – Fresh Fruits bunches).

Additionally, the right steps must be taken to achieve consistency of the health and growth of the crops. Before purchasing a particular oil palm fertilizer, you should have a deep insight into the content and nutrients of the fertilizers.

Research and development

Oil palm is, without doubt, the most efficient oil crop in the world. With the rapidly increasing global population and the use of oil palm as a biofuel, there is a need for growers to maximize their productivity.

With innovations achieved through research, it’s possible to achieve optimal yield while at the same time taking care of the environment. The use of more effective and balanced fertilizers has helped secure high yield and oil content in not only Malaysia but also other oil palm growing regions.

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